beko çeyiz paketi kampanyaları 2024 Satıcı Kodu:340082 Bayi Adı:Sığlanlar
Sipariş Hattı:

0850 480 0 888

Sipariş Hattı:

0850 480 0 888







Sıglanlar, ticaret hayatına 1993 yılında toptan beyaz eşya tüccarlığı ile başlayan Sığlanlar 1996 yılında Beko Yetkili Ana Bayi olmuştur. 1997 yılında örnek bayi oldu. 2008 yılında Conpect Örnek Bayi oldu. 2017 yılında Styling Conpect bayi olan firmamız m2'sini iki katına çıkartarak daha büyük alanda tüketicilerimize hizmet vermeye başlamıştır. Firmamızın arşivinde çeşitli firmalardan takdim edilen "Teşekkür Belgeleri" bulunmaktadır. Beko markasını online satışını yapan, sadece beko ürünleri satan Türkiye'deki ilk web sayfası olma özelliği taşımaktadır.
“En değerli varlığımız; Müşterimizdir” Felsefesi ile yola çıkan firmamız 2025 yılı itibari ile tam 32 yıldır, müşteri memnuniyeti ön planda tutarak en iyi hizmeti vermeye çalışmaktadır. 


Dileyen müşterilerimiz firmamızın showroom'unu gezerek satın almayı düşündükleri ürünü inceleyerek de satın alabilirler.


İlginiz için çok teşekkür ederiz.



Sığlanlar ltd.şti. Müşteri Hizmetleri 
Sığla​nlar Dayanıklı Tüketim Malları Ticaret Limited Şirketi çalışanları olarak temel politikamız; ilişki içinde olduğumuz kişi, kuruluş ve kurumlara beklentiler doğrultusunda en mükemmel hizmeti sunmak, kendimizi sürekli geliştirmek ve yenilemektir.
Bu yüzden sorularınızı, önerilerinizi ve taleplerinizi önemsiyoruz.

Sorularınız için S.S.S Sayfamızı ziyaret edebilir, diğer tüm talepleriniz aşağıda belirtilen iletişim bilgilerimizden bizlere ulaşabilirsiniz.

İlginiz için çok teşekkür ederiz.





 He was born in Ankara in 1901. Went to Ankara High School. He started in business in 1917.




He took over his father's business and registered to Ankara Chamber of Commerce under the name "Koçzade Ahmet Vehbi" in 1926.




He further expanded his business by establishing Turkey agencies of foreign companies like Ford and Standard Oil, while on the other hand continuing to trade goods. Then he started contracting business.




He took the first step in institutionalization in 1938 and established Koç Ticaret A.Ş. in Istanbul.




He persuaded General Electric to organize a light bulb factory in Turkey and he co-invested; factory started production in 1952. Taking charities as social duty, Koç started his activities in social field with institutions including Vehbi Koç Student House (1946), Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Vehbi Koç Eye Bank (1963), İstanbul University Faculty of Medicine Cardiology Institute (1964), Turkish Education Foundation (1967), METU Vehbi Koç Student House (1968).




In 1950s, Koç took serious steps towards investments in domestic establishments that wood substitute imported goods. Domestic production of automotive, white goods, radiators, electronics, textiles, matches and many more products were realized.




Arçelik, Turkey's largest private industrial company today was establish in 1955, and Türk Demir Döküm Factory in 1954. Otosan, the first company of Turkey's automotive industry started production in 1959, and Aygaz was established in 1962. These are followed by many other industrial companies.




As the number of his Industrial Companies increased, Vehbi Koç - believing private companies can only survive by institutionalization, founded Turkey's first holding 'Koç Holding" in 1963 in order to centrally manage these companies and to provide optimum source allocation.




After Holding's establishment foundations of others followed one another. The first Turkish automobile Anadol was introduced to market in 1966.




Aiming to also invest in agriculture sector, Vehbi Koç studied the potential in this sector. He established TAT tomato paste factory in 1967; which was the pioneer in its sector directing Turkey's agricultural potential to exporting through contract farming model.




By the year 1968, a giant step was taken in Turkish Automotive Industry with the establishment of Tofaş under partnership of FIAT. In 1971 Tofaş started production of Murat automobiles, named after Ottoman Sultan Murat.




Foreseeing the importance of export for country's economy, Vehbi Koç founded the first exporter capital investment company Ram in 1970.




Vehbi Koç, passing on most of his responsibilities to professional managers of the Holding, he preferred to focus on social duties and foundations.




Being inspired from a journey outside Turkey, he pioneered the establishment of Turkish Education Foundation for canalizing the wreath donations to education.




He founded Vehbi Koç Foundation in 1969 to operate in education, health and culture areas. This foundation has achieved many cultural, health and education projects so far.




Atatürk Library in Taksim is donated to Istanbul Municipality in 1976.




Turkey's first private museum Sadberk Hanım Museum was opened in 1980, in the memory of Vehbi Koç's departed wife Sadberk Hanım.




Vehbi Koç Foundation Koç Private High School started its operation in 1987, and Vehbi Koç Foundation Koç University in 1993, providing education in English.




After retiring himself in 1984, he devoted his time to social issues.




Comprehending the importance of population and family health issues of Turkey, Vehbi Koç founded Turkish Family Health and Planning Foundation in 1985 and served as the president of the foundation until his death.




In 1987, Vehbi Koç was selected Businessman of the Year by the International Chamber of Commerce. Indian Prime Minister Rajeev Gandhi presented the award to Koç during the ceremony in New Delhi.




In 1994, United Nations awarded Turkish Family Health and Planning Foundation and its President for their achievements. U. N. Secretary General Boutros Gali presented the World Population Planning Award to Vehbi Koç in June 14th, 1994.




Vehbi Koç also spent his time writing books to transmit his experiences to future generations. In 1973 "Hayat Hikayem" (My Life Story), and in 1987 "Hatıralarım, Görüşlerim, Öğütlerim" (My Memories, Views and Advices) were published. Both were also translated to English.




In "Hedefler ve İlkeler" (Goals and Principals) document he issued for his companies, he described his constitution as follows:




"My Constitution is: As long as my state and country exist, so do I. If there is democracy, then we will all exist. We must make our utmost effort to strengthen our country's economy. As our economy improves, the democracy will be more established, and so will do our worldwide credit."




Vehbi Koç lived a 95 year life full of industrial, trading and international partnerships, foundations, social services and education.




In a 75 years he created an establishment of 100 companies, almost 46,000 employees, with a turnover of TL 7,3 quadrillion in combined sales, and exports of approximately USD 1 billion.




He is a model businessman for industrialization by private sector, institutionalization, professional management, education through foundations, health and social services.


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